Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Week 3, day 2

Today is week 3, day 2...and I haven't exercised yet. I'm SO exhausted. I dont know if it's from just for the first time in my life working out (around an hour a day) but I'm so tired every single day. Last night I was asleep around 10pm and I slept until around 6:30am, but I feel like I could go back to sleep for a few hours! My kids are napping so right now would be the ideal time to exercise, but I'm just looking at the Beach  Body site trying to motivate myself. I think part of the reason is that I really thought I would of lost more weight by now....I've lost a pound. I quit drinking, followed a healthy meal plan and with the exercising...I thought I would at least be down 5lbs. My husband just keeps reminding me that it's a 60 day program, not a 2 week program...so I have no right to be upset until it's done. He's right.

I would love to add Turbo Fire to my life, but Beach Body DVDs are so expensive. I know the whole "You cant put a price on your health!" line, but really....Beach Body DVDs are freaking expensive lol. Hopefully in April or May I can look into purchasing it.

I've been doing pretty good on my meal plan...and then I had to blow it with a half a grilled cheese sandwich. I just got home from the store, I was super hungry and my brain like shuts off when I'm hungry so I wasn't thinking clearly. Oh well, I'll just make sure no more slip ups for the rest of the day!

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